The hive @ The Pin is a Humble Bee Honey Company Honey House and Farm Store located in the historic Pin Shops in Oakville Connecticut. We are proud to carry our popular skincare line and famous honey along with lots of local treats and gifts. The farm store boasts an eight frame observation hive located in the center of the store. The colony of bees that live in the observation hive exit and enter from the side of the building facing the road. We also have a honey house located in the space where we extract and bottle our local Ct Grown honey for our store shelves.

Take a Look at Our Gallery

Explore a Farm store in the roiling hills of Litchfield county!
Visit our unique Farm store and explore local Connect products as well as gourmet food items you would only find in a Farm store like ours
We installed a television monitor that runs videos, seminars and interesting stories about honey bees, honey, the history of Beekeeping and the famous innovators in the husbandry of Beekeeping

20 Main Street
The Historic Old Pin Shop
Oakville CT
Open for all your honey needs!
Get in touch!
20 Main Street
Oakville CT
Mon-Tues closed
Wed-Thurs 4pm-7pm
Sat-1:30 AM - 6pm
Sun-9:30 am - 2:30 P.M.
Thanksgiving 4pm to 7 pm
Black Friday 9:30 to 6 pm